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“The road to the professional writer Start at Thai program.”

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18 February 2021 15:38:56

 “The road to the professional writer Start at Thai program.”

The Master Piece of Thai program, from Mr.Lertsak Chaisang who wrote the short story “Chakkwal Kwangbai”- the story about the woman who has changed the destiny of her own, and the novel “Only word to say goodbye in the book Postcode 10200”, and “Before the end of the dream.”

“Chakkawal Kwangbai” is a short story about one woman who lives from Ratchadamnoen Avenue with the change of her destiny to get the great responsibility, which was published and distributed through the electronic book by the project from TK Young Writer2020, TK Park.

“The only word to say goodbye” is a novel from the true-life story about facing love, friendship, and farewell without saying anything. One chapter from this novel has been published, which from the writing with the 6th of written and arts camp by the Supreme Artist Hall, Department of Cultural Promotion, the Ministry of Culture.

The Thai program has many subjects about writing, creative writing, Thai-modern literature, and other literature, which can prepare you to a great writer as a professional in the future.