Home > News > News > The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences attends the training on "Lessons Learned from Educational Quality Assessment Based on EdPEx Criteria and Guidelines for Providing Organizational Quality Improvement Plans at the Educational Management Unit Le
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences attends the training on "Lessons Learned from Educational Quality Assessment Based on EdPEx Criteria and Guidelines for Providing Organizational Quality Improvement Plans at the Educational Management Unit Le

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13 January 2025 10:43:27

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences attends the training on "Lessons Learned from Educational Quality Assessment Based on EdPEx Criteria and Guidelines for Providing Organizational Quality Improvement Plans at the Educational Management Unit Level" 


December 12, 2024, 9:00 hrs. - Asst. Prof. Dr. Wasana Suridechakul, Associate Dean for Planning and Quality Assurance, together with Ms. Nutchanart Pengsuriya (Acting-Head of the Office), Mr. Prateep Chalee (Head of Planning and Quality Assurance), Ms. Kanpatta Hongpattrajan (staff of the Planning and Policy Division), and Ms. Riwa Konglaem (staff of the Educational Service Division) attended the training on "Lessons Learned from Educational Quality Assessment Based on EdPEx Criteria and Guidelines for Providing Organizational Quality Improvement Plans at the Educational Management Unit Level", hosted by the Policy and Planning Division, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, where Assoc. Prof. Dr. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Anan Mungwattana, the National Quality Award Technical Subcommittee and National Quality Award Assessor was the speaker at the Chorkaew Meeting Room, 5 Fl., Building 31, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University.